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Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is an herb that has been used around the world, especially in cooking as well as in supplements that help promote health and stress support. It’s not often that something housing such powerful health benefits also smells so delicious!

Let's take a look at what exactly lemon balm is, how it can benefit you, and what some possible side effects of using this herb on your health journey may be

What is Lemon Balm?

Lemon balm is a small, green, leafy plant that belongs to the mint family (Melissa Officinalis). This herb is native to Europe, West Africa, and North Africa, however it can be found growing globally due to its ease of maintenance. This herb is easy to plant and can grow in a variety of different environments. It also self-seeds and can even spread aggressively if not taken care of.

Lemon balm has been used for centuries for a multitude of purposes. This versatile plant has had a role in adding flavor to roast chicken and seasoning vegetable stews, it’s been enjoyed as a hot tea, it’s been infused into topical balms, and has even been concentrated into an essential oil.

This rich, dynamic plant houses a variety of chemical characteristics. One of its most notable characteristics is its lemony scent, which is rich and calming. It also is rich in health-boosting compounds that are thought to be linked to multiple health benefits.

How Does Lemon Balm Provide Stress Support?

Lemon Balm has several positive characteristics that help stress support in multiple ways.

It has traditionally been used to help alleviate feelings of tension and stress. This effect could be promoted by the fact that the plant is very aromatic and the smell has been thought to be soothing, which encourages mental wellness and emotional balance.

It is also thought to have a long history of helping with digestion and calming the stomach. 

Another useful characteristic of lemon balm is its ability to soothe tension, which researchers find supports its ability to soothe and relax the body.

It is also thought to have positive effects on supporting healthy sleep patterns by promoting rest and helping ease the mind into a receptive state for sleep.

While lemon balm may have some sedative characteristics, it is typically not thought of as a “sleep aid” but instead can be used to support the body's natural processes to relax.

What Else Can Lemon Balm Be Used For?

As previously stated, lemon balm is a very dynamic herb. Its leaves can be harvested, dried, and used for tea, which would provide its medicinal properties to the consumer. It can be taken and converted to an oil that can be used both topically for joint discomfort and tension, but also used in baking and cooking for flavor.

The pleasant lemony aroma and taste that accompanies this unique herb is similar in strength to its cousin mint in terms of its signature aromatic and taste profile. Because the therapeutic effects of this herb are lighter than other herbs used for similar purposes, it can be combined with stronger herbs like valerian root to add in delicious flavor as well as aid in stress support to help with sleep.

Lemon balm can also be ingested in powdered or capsule form as a modern-day supplement. R3SET utilizes lemon balm and its unique stress support characteristics in our Unwind Capsule along with other powerful herbs like ashwagandha and passion flower.

Our specially designed combinations provide a powerful source of stress support and can help you unwind from a long day in a way that supports your body's natural processes.

Average Dosing and Side Effects

While lemon balm is considered a safe, healthy supplement, medical advice should be sought if you are on any kind of medication for thyroid issues, blood thinners, glaucoma, or chemotherapy. Also, you should make sure that you are not allergic to lemon balm and be aware that an allergy can always develop after use. 

Dosages for lemon balm supplements are typically 250-500 mg per day for most adults. Lemon balm can also cause certain side effects such as headaches, stomach pain, or indigestion in higher quantities. If you experience any of these symptoms you should stop taking lemon balm supplements and talk to your Healthcare provider.

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